Thank you for taking a moment to consider supporting SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus in a meaningful and significant way. We are a CRA Registered Charity: BN: 849518931RR0001

How are we funded?
- Ticket Sales to Concerts
- Season Sponsors
- Private donors
- Gifts in kind
- Grants from organizations and foundations
It is very important that there be no barriers to participation. Our singers do not pay choral program fees and we cannot exist without the help of many people. Please visit our Supporters page to see our current list.
The cost of a singer being involved for a year is approximately $800 – this includes choral music purchases, weekly refreshments, and music directors fees.
How can you help?
1- Patrons of the Chorus
We recognize that our vision, values and commitment to building social capital are in alignment with those of many residents of Greater Victoria. Please contact us to discuss how you would like to help SingYourJoy achieve our objectives.
2- Sheet Music Sponsorship: $200 per musical selection
SingYourJoy performs published pieces and purchases sufficient copies for all singers, musicians and directors. We grow our library of songs every year, keeping singers and audiences engaged and entertained.
3- Concert Sponsorship: $1000 per concert
Creating a professional and effectively staged concert requires additional costs, including venue rentals, lighting, staging, advertising, post-concert reception, and musician support. As a Concert Sponsor, you/your company or organization would be acknowledged during the concert, and within publicity and promotion on our website. Your involvement reflects your organization’s commitment to the local community, its arts and culture, and young adults.
Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting these singers and joining our SingYourJoy Family.
Christine Chepyha and Gordon Miller
Co-Founders and Directors
SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus
Christine 250-882-5668 Gordon 250-213-1948