Media Release:
January 30, 2020
SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus EXPANDS to the WestShore this February.
Meeting the need for community connections among young adults in the Western Communities, SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus is thrilled to announce a new chorus! SingYourJoy WestShore starts singing on Thursdays beginning February 20th.
SingYourJoy is a non-auditioned mixed-voice community chorus, open to all people ages 16 – 29. Our members may be new to the city, starting new careers, entering a new field of study, or just determining who they are. SingYourJoy offers the unique opportunity of a safe space for creative expression, learning new skills and forming new friendships.
SingYourJoy was founded in 2011 and the Victoria based chorus has served hundreds of young singers and thousands of audience members since that time. It has performed dozens of free/low-cost public concerts in churches, concert venues, senior citizens’ homes and at the BC Legislature. The choir is widely recognized for its uplifting and motivational repertoire, its accessibility, and its attentiveness to community issues relevant to young adults, such as mental health. SingYourJoy will bring these same principles of accessibility and a nurturing supportive community through singing to young adults in the WestShore.
SingYourJoy is lead by its co-founders and co-directors, Christine Chepyha and Gordon Miller. They bring a passion for working with all ages to create great music with joy, laughter and tears, along with many years of experience in an eclectic range of choral and instrumental music.
When: RESTARTING September 16th 2021
Where: lower hall, Redeemer Lutheran Church (3024 Jacklin Road, Langford)
How much: no cost to singers
Details and online registration:
SingYourJoy WestShore is grateful for the generous support of the Woodsome Fund, the Anonymous Fund and the Larch Fund, all through the Victoria Foundation Community grant program.